For this procedure, you can use Management Agents or
Operations to view run statistics for a previous run of a
selected management agent or selected management agent run profile.
Unlike Statistics which shows cumulative information for all
management agent runs, Management Agents shows detailed
object-level and attribute-level run synchronization statistics and
errors. To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the MIISAdmins security group.
To view last run statistics for a management
In Profile Name:name User Name:username,
verify the last run profile.
To view details, click any statistic with a hyperlink.
Only statistics for the most recent management agent run,
regardless of run profile, are displayed. To view statistics for a
specific run profile that was run previously, use
Operations, or to view cumulative run statistics use
In Operations, click a management agent and associated
run profile.
In Profile Name:name User Name:username,
verify run profile.
To view details, click any statistic with a hyperlink.
For runs that attempt to synchronize a large number of objects,
it may take an excessively long time for the Object Details
window to display all objects retrieved when you click Adds
or Disconnector Projected Flow in Synchronization
When you click a statistic for a management agent run, the
object properties displayed will be of the object's current state.
For example, ManagementAgent_A run number 1 produces
a synchronization error, the problem causing the error is then
fixed. ManagementAgent_A is then run a again (run number
2). If in Operations, you then click
ManagementAgent_A run number 1 will display the
objects current state (no synchronization errors). This is because
when viewing object properties, the objects current state is
displayed regardless of outcome from runs prior to the most
previous run.
When you click a statistic for a management agent run, the
object properties displayed will be of the object's current state.
For example; ManagementAgent_A run number 1, produces
a synchronization error. The problem causing the error is then
fixed. ManagementAgent_A is then run again (run number
2). If in Operations, you then click
ManagementAgent_A run number 1, Synchronization
Errors will still show the errors that originally occurred, but
if you click the error to display Object Properties, the
objects current state (no synchronization errors) will be
displayed. This is because when viewing Object Properties,
the objects current state is displayed regardless of outcome from
runs prior to the most previous run.