Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 graphic

View last run statistics for a management agent

For this procedure, you can use Management Agents or Operations to view run statistics for a previous run of a selected management agent or selected management agent run profile. Unlike Statistics which shows cumulative information for all management agent runs, Management Agents shows detailed object-level and attribute-level run synchronization statistics and errors. To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the MIISAdmins security group.

To view last run statistics for a management agent

Using Management Agents to view statistics for the most recent management agent run

  1. On the Tools menu, click Management Agents.
  2. In Management Agents, click a management agent.
  3. In Profile Name:name User Name:username, verify the last run profile.
  4. To view details, click any statistic with a hyperlink.
  5. Note

    • Only statistics for the most recent management agent run, regardless of run profile, are displayed. To view statistics for a specific run profile that was run previously, use Operations, or to view cumulative run statistics use Statistics.

Using Operations to view statistics for a specific run profile

  1. On the Tools menu, click Operations.
  2. In Operations, click a management agent and associated run profile.
  3. In Profile Name:name User Name:username, verify run profile.
  4. To view details, click any statistic with a hyperlink.


Related Topics


View cumulative management agent statistics


View management agent properties