Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference

Example: Constructing a Distinguished Name

When an attribute value change to the metaverse occurs, such as changing the employee status, you might have to change the distinguished name of an existing connector space entry to rename or move the object in a connected data source.

You can change the distinguished name of an existing connector by first iterating through the ConnectorCollectionByIndex.Item property to get the first connector. If the metaverse entry contains multiple connectors, use conditional logic to identify the appropriate connector. After getting the appropriate connector, set the CSEntry.DN property to the new distinguished name.

The following example shows how to construct a distinguished name using the ReferenceValue.Concat method. If the distinguished name exists, this example catches the exception and appends an integer to the end of the distinguished name until the distinguished name is unique.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
	Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision

	Dim uniqueDN As Boolean = False
	Dim connectors As Integer
	Dim index As Integer = 0
	Dim csEntry As CSEntry
	Dim container, rdn As String
	Dim ma As ConnectedMA
	Dim dn As ReferenceValue

	Dim ExceptionMessage As String

	container = "CN=users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
	ma = mventry.ConnectedMAs("Fabrikam AD MA")

	If Not mventry("cn").IsPresent Then

		ExceptionMessage = "The attribute cn was unexpectedly not present on the metaverse object."
		Throw New UnexpectedDataException(ExceptionMessage)

		rdn = "CN=" & mventry("cn").Value
		dn = ma.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat(container)
		connectors = ma.Connectors.Count

		' If there are no existing connectors, create a new connector.
		If 0 = connectors Then

			' Verify whether the distinguished name is unique. If it
			' is not unique, create a new distinguished name.
			While Not uniqueDN
					csEntry = ma.Connectors.StartNewConnector("user")
					csEntry.DN = dn

					uniqueDN = True

				' The catch block creates a new distinguished name by
				' appending an integer to the original rdn (cnValue).
				Catch oaex As ObjectAlreadyExistsException
					rdn = "CN=" + mventry("cn").Value + index.ToString()
					dn = ma.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat(container)
					index = index + 1
					uniqueDN = False
				End Try

			End While

		End If

	End If
End Sub
void IMVSynchronization.Provision (MVEntry mventry)
	bool uniqueDN = false;
	int connectors, index = 0;
	CSEntry csEntry;
	string container, rdn;
	ConnectedMA ma;
	ReferenceValue dn;

	container = "CN=users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com";
	ma		= mventry.ConnectedMAs["Fabrikam AD MA"];

		string ExceptionMessage;
		ExceptionMessage = "The attribute cn was unexpectedly not present on the metaverse object.";
		throw new UnexpectedDataException(ExceptionMessage);

		rdn		 = "CN=" + mventry["cn"].Value;
		dn		= ma.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat(container);
		connectors  = ma.Connectors.Count;

		// If there are no existing connectors, create a new connector.
		if(0 == connectors)
			// Verify whether the distinguished name is unique. If it
			// is not unique, create a new distinguished name.
					csEntry	= ma.Connectors.StartNewConnector("user");
					csEntry.DN = dn; 		 

					// If connector space entry with the same distinguished name exists,
					// CommitNewConnector() throws an exception.
					uniqueDN = true;
				// The catch block creates a new distinguished name by
				// appending an integer to the original rdn (cnValue).
					rdn = "CN=" + mventry["cn"].Value + index.ToString();
					dn  = ma.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat(container);
					uniqueDN = false;

See Also

CSEntry.DN, CSEntry.RDN, ReferenceValue.Concat