This VBScript example creates the user set, URL set, and access rules needed to allow a specific group of workers in an organization restricted access to the Internet. The group is allowed to access only the sites listed in the URL set and only during the hours specified in the Work hours schedule supplied with Forefront TMG. All other workers using computers that belong to the Internal network are granted unlimited access to the Internet. The script includes three subroutines:
This example is included as the ControlAccessByScheduleAndUserSet.vbs script in the Samples\Admin folder of the Forefront TMG Software Development Kit (SDK).
The following procedure lists the steps used to create a user set, a URL set, and two access rules in the code example that follows.
To control access by a schedule and a user set
The following code can be saved to a .vbs file and run from a command prompt on a computer running Forefront TMG with the Microsoft Firewall service installed.
Sub ControlAccessByScheduleAndUserSet() ' Define users. Replace these fictitious user account names by real ' user accounts in your organization. user1 = "Corporate\Mike" user2 = "Coporate\Stephanie" ' Define enumeration values. Const fpcPolicyRuleActionAllow = 0 Const fpcPolicyRuleActionDeny = 1 Const fpcInclude = 0 Const fpcExclude = 1 Const fpcSpecifiedProtocols = 1 Const fpcAppliesToAllContent = 0 ' Create the root object. Dim root ' The FPCLib.FPC root object Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root") 'Declare the other objects needed. Dim isaArray ' An FPCArray object Dim policyrules ' An FPCPolicyRules collection Dim denyrule ' An FPCPolicyRule object Dim allowrule ' An FPCPolicyRule object Dim usersets ' An FPCUserSets colection Dim userset ' An FPCUserSet object Dim urlsets ' An FPCURLSets colection Dim urlset ' An FPCURLSet object ' Get references to the array object, the policy rules collection, ' the user sets collection, and the URL sets collection. Set isaArray = root.GetContainingArray() Set policyrules = isaArray.ArrayPolicy.PolicyRules Set usersets = isaArray.RuleElements.UserSets Set urlsets = isaArray.RuleElements.URLSets ' If an access rule named "Allow All to Internet Rule" already exists, ' remove it. RemoveExistingItem policyrules, "Allow All to Internet Rule" ' If an access rule named "Internal Network Internet Access Deny Rule" already exists, ' remove it. RemoveExistingItem policyrules, "Internal Network Internet Access Deny Rule" ' If a user set named "Staff" already exists, remove it. RemoveExistingItem usersets, "Staff" WScript.Echo "Creating a new user set, Staff, containing the users who are considered staff ..." On Error Resume Next Set userset = usersets.Add("Staff") userset.Accounts.Add user1 CheckError userset.Accounts.Add user2 CheckError usersets.Save CheckError ' If a URL set named "Allowed Web Sites" already exists, remove it. Err.Clear RemoveExistingItem urlsets, "Allowed Web Sites" WScript.Echo "Creating a new URL set containing sites to be allowed ..." Set urlset = urlsets.Add("Allowed Web Sites") urlset.Add "" CheckError urlset.Add "" CheckError urlsets.Save CheckError WScript.Echo "Creating an allow access rule ..." Set allowrule = policyrules.AddAccessRule("Allow All to Internet Rule") allowrule.Description = "Allows unrestricted Internet access to all users on break room computers" allowrule.Enabled = True allowrule.Action = fpcPolicyRuleActionAllow 'Set the protocols to HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. allowrule.AccessProperties.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "HTTP", fpcInclude allowrule.AccessProperties.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "HTTPS", fpcInclude allowrule.AccessProperties.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "FTP", fpcInclude allowrule.AccessProperties.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols ' Add the Internal network to the objects referenced by the Networks property ' of the FPCSelectionIPs object accessed through the SourceSelectionIPs property ' of the access rule. allowrule.SourceSelectionIPs.Networks.Add "Internal", fpcInclude ' Add the External network (the Internet) to the objects referenced by the Networks ' property of the FPCSelectionIPs object accessed through the DestinationSelectionIPs ' property of the access rule. allowrule.AccessProperties.DestinationSelectionIPs.Networks.Add "External", fpcInclude ' Add the All Users user set to the user sets to which the rule applies. allowrule.AccessProperties.UserSets.Add "All Users", fpcInclude ' Configure the rule to apply to all content types. allowrule.AccessProperties.AppliesToContentMethod = fpcAppliesToAllContent 'Default setting WScript.Echo "Creating a deny access rule ..." Set denyrule = policyrules.AddAccessRule("Internal Network Internet Access Deny Rule") denyrule.Description = "Denies access to the Internet from the Internal network, except for specific sites" denyrule.Enabled = True denyrule.Action = fpcPolicyRuleActionDeny 'Set the protocols to HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. denyrule.AccessProperties.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "HTTP", fpcInclude denyrule.AccessProperties.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "HTTPS", fpcInclude denyrule.AccessProperties.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "FTP", fpcInclude denyrule.AccessProperties.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols ' Add the Internal network to the objects referenced by the Networks property ' of the FPCSelectionIPs object accessed through the SourceSelectionIPs property ' of the access rule. denyrule.SourceSelectionIPs.Networks.Add "Internal", fpcInclude ' Add the External network (the Internet) to the objects referenced by the Networks ' property of the FPCSelectionIPs object accessed through the DestinationSelectionIPs ' property of the access rule. denyrule.AccessProperties.DestinationSelectionIPs.Networks.Add "External", fpcInclude ' Add the Allowed Web Sites URL set to the objects that are referenced by the URLSets ' property of the access rule and are excluded from the rule. denyrule.AccessProperties.URLSets.Add "Allowed Web Sites", fpcExclude ' Add the Staff user set to the user sets to which the rule applies. denyrule.AccessProperties.UserSets.Add "Staff", fpcInclude ' Set the Work hours schedule as the schedule applying to the rule. denyrule.SetSchedule "Work hours" ' Configure the rule to apply to all content types. denyrule.AccessProperties.AppliesToContentMethod = fpcAppliesToAllContent 'Save the changes to the new access rules. policyrules.Save CheckError WScript.Echo "Done!" End Sub Sub CheckError() If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "An error occurred: 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description Err.Clear End If End Sub Sub RemoveExistingItem(collection, name) Dim member ' Object in the collection Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Set member = collection.Item(name) If Err.Number = 0 Then WScript.Echo name & " exists. Removing it ..." collection.Remove name CheckError collection.Save CheckError End If End Sub ControlAccessByScheduleAndUserSet
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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