The FPCArray object defines a single Forefront TMG array, and its properties provide access to the array-level configuration settings in the hierarchy of administration COM objects for the Forefront TMG computers associated with it. Each Forefront TMG computer is associated with a single array.
When multiple Forefront TMG computers are associated with the same FPCArray object, you can configure these servers at the same time through the array-level properties and methods of the FPCArray object. A group of Forefront TMG computers that are associated with the same array can be managed as a single, logical entity and can provide distributed caching, load balancing, and fault tolerance.
This object is an element of the FPCArrays collection, and a new object representing an additional array can be created by calling the Add method of the FPCArrays collection.
Note In Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition, there is only one FPCArray object in the FPCArrays collection, and it provides access to the configuration settings of only a single Forefront TMG computer.
Click here to see the
Forefront TMG object hierarchy.
The way in which an FPCArray object is retrieved depends on the components of Forefront TMG that are installed and running on the computer on which the code is being executed. For information about retrieving an FPCArray object after creating the root object, see Retrieving an Array Object.
For code examples that use the FPCArray object, see Forefront TMG Administration Scripting.
This object inherits from the FPCPersist object, which contains methods and properties related to the persistent storage of an object's data. They include methods for exporting the object's data to and importing it from an XML document.
The FPCArray object defines the following methods.
Method | Description |
Copies specified array rule elements into the enterprise configuration. |
Gets an FPCActivityStatistics collection that contains the activity counter entries for the array during a specified period of time. |
Gets an FPCDashboardPerformanceCounters collection that contains statistics concerning the activity of a Forefront TMG array. |
Checks if the specified external component is installed on all servers in the Forefront TMG array. |
Restarts the services specified in a bitmask of the FpcServices enumerated type and any services that depend on them. |
Sets a selected network template and default policy for the array. |
The FPCArray object defines the following properties.
Property | Description |
Gets an FPCAdminSecurity object that holds the administration security settings for the array. |
Gets the major version number of the schema of the array. |
Gets the minor version number of the schema of the array. |
Gets an FPCAlerts collection that contains objects defining all the alerts in the array. |
Gets an FPCArrayPolicy object that specifies the array policy for the array. |
Gets an FPCCache object that provides access to the cache configuration settings for the array and to a method for downloading content to the cache. |
Gets an FPCChangeTracking object that provides access to the change tracking settings and log for the array. |
Gets or sets a value from the FpcCompatibilityVersion enumerated type that specifies the minimum version of an object or of Forefront TMG Management that may access the configuration settings of the array. |
Gets a set of flags indicating the components that are installed in the array. |
Gets an FPCConfigurationStorageServerConnection object that represents the connection to the Configuration Storage server for the array (not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition). |
Gets an FPCConnectivityVerifiers collection that contains objects defining all the connectivity verifiers for the array. |
Gets a Date value that specifies the date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the object was created. |
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether a separate thread will be created for each connectivity verifier that sends HTTP GET requests to check connectivity. |
Gets or sets the description of the array in the form of a string. |
Gets or sets the DNS name of the array. |
Gets an FPCExtensions object that represents the set of application filters and Web filters for the array. |
Gets an FPCClientConfigSettings collection that contains the Firewall client settings for the array. |
Gets an FPCCredentials object that represents the credentials to be used by array members for authenticating intra-array communication. |
Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the array is joined to an enterprise. |
Gets a Date value that specifies the date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the array was modified. |
Gets an FPCLogs collection that contains objects defining all the logging configurations for the array. |
Gets an FPCLogViewer object that represents the log viewer for the array. |
Gets or sets the mail code page of the array. |
Gets an FPCMalwareInspectionSettings object that holds the malware inspection settings for the array. |
Gets or sets the name of the array. |
Gets an FPCNetworkConfiguration object that holds all the network configuration settings for the array. |
Gets an FPCNetworkInspectionSystem object that represents the Network Inspection System (NIS) configuration. |
Gets an FPCRef object that references the FPCNetworkTemplate object defining the network template used by the array. |
Gets an FPCPolicyAssignment object that specifies the enterprise policy assigned to the array and some configuration settings that determine how the enterprise policy is applied in the array. |
Gets an FPCReports object that holds the ready reports, report jobs, and summary report configuration for the array. |
Gets an FPCRuleElements object that provides access to collections of rule elements for the array. |
Gets an FPCSecurityAssessmentSharing object that holds the security assessment sharing settings for the array. |
Gets an FPCServers collection that contains objects representing all the Forefront TMG computers in the array. |
Gets an FPCSessionsMonitors object that provides access to the firewall and the Forefront TMG Web proxy session monitors for the array. |
Gets an FPCSmtpProtectionConfiguration object that holds the SMTP protection settings for the array. |
Gets or sets a value from the FpcSpyNetLevel enumerated type that indicates the type of membership for sending information to the Microsoft Telemetry Service. |
Gets an FPCSystemPolicy object that holds the system policy information for the array. |
Gets a value from the FpcArrayType enumerated type that indicates whether the array consists of a single Forefront TMG computer or may contain multiple servers. |
Gets an FPCUpdateCenter object that represents the update center for the array. |
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the computer accounts of the array members will be used for authenticating intra-array communication. |
Name | Description |
CancelWaitForChanges | Cancels the registration established by the WaitForChanges method (for use in C and C++ programming only). |
CanImport | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the object's properties can be imported from the specified XML document. |
Export | Recursively writes the stored values of all the properties of the object and its subobjects to the specified XML document. |
ExportToFile | Recursively writes the stored values of all the properties of the object and its subobjects to the specified XML file. |
GetServiceRestartMask | Retrieves a 32-bit bitmask of the FpcServices enumerated type that specifies which services need to be restarted for currently unsaved changes to take effect. |
Import | Recursively copies the values of all the properties of the object and of its subobjects from the specified XML document to persistent storage. |
ImportFromFile | Recursively copies the values of all the properties of the object and of its subobjects from the specified XML file to persistent storage. |
LoadDocProperties | Provides the XML document's properties so that you can know what information can be imported from the document. |
Refresh | Recursively reads the values of all the properties of the object and of its subobjects from persistent storage, overwriting any changes that have not been saved. |
Save | Recursively writes the current values of all the properties of the object and its subobjects to persistent storage. |
WaitForChanges | Registers to wait for an event indicating that the contents of the object have changed (for use in C and C++ programming only). |
Name | Description |
PersistentName | Gets the persistent name of the object. The persistent name of an object is a name that is unique for the object at the respective level of the COM object hierarchy. |
VendorParameterSets | Gets an FPCVendorParametersSets collection that can hold sets of custom data for extending the object. |
This object implements the IFPCArray, IFPCEEArray, IFPCArray2, and IFPCArray3 interfaces.
Client | Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP. |
Server | Requires Windows Server 2008. |
Version | Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG). |
Declared in Msfpccom.idl. |
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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