The Type property gets a value from the FpcPolicyRuleTypes enumerated type that indicates whether the policy rule is an access rule, a server publishing rule, or a Web publishing rule.
HRESULT get_Type( FpcPolicyRuleTypes* pPolicyRuleTypes );
Pointer to a variable that on return receives a value from the FpcPolicyRuleTypes enumerated type indicating whether the policy rule is an access rule, a server publishing rule, or a Web publishing rule.
This property method returns S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, it returns an error code.
Property Type As FpcPolicyRuleTypes
Value from the FpcPolicyRuleTypes enumerated type that indicates whether the policy rule is an access rule, a server publishing rule, or a Web publishing rule.
This property is read-only. Its value is determined by the method of the FPCPolicyRules collection that was used to create the rule.
When an enterprise with central array management is deployed, an enterprise policy rule can serve as a placeholder that specifies the ordinal position (Order) of the set of array policy rules within the set of enterprise policy rules when the enterprise policy is applied to an array. The enterprise policy rules with values of Order smaller than the value of Order for the placeholder are applied before the array policy rules, and the enterprise policy rules with values of Order larger than the value of Order for the placeholder are applied after the array policy rules. The value of the Type property for an array policy placeholder is fpcPolicyRuleArrayPolicyPlaceHolder.
Client | Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP. |
Server | Requires Windows Server 2008. |
Version | Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG). |
Declared in Msfpccom.idl. |
Requires Msfpccom.dll. |
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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