Add Method of the IFPCUserAgentMappings Interface

The Add method creates a new FPCUserAgentMapping object in the collection and returns a reference to it.



  [in]   BSTR UserAgent,
  [in]   FpcFBAFormsTypes FormsType,
  [out]  IFPCUserAgentMapping** ppUserAgentMapping


Required. BSTR that specifies the User-Agent headers to which the mapping will apply. The string may contain wildcard characters (*). A string containing only a wildcard character (*) applies to all User-Agent headers. A string that begins and ends with a wildcard character applies to any User-Agent header that contains the substring between the wildcard characters.

Required. Value from the FpcFBAFormsTypes enumerated type that specifies the type of authentication that will be associated with the User-Agent headers specified in the mapping. The possible values specify forms-based authentication using forms written in a specific format or Basic authentication.


Address of an interface pointer that on return points to the new IFPCUserAgentMapping interface created.

Return Value

This method can return one of the following:

[Visual Basic]


Function Add( _
  ByVal UserAgent As String, _
  ByVal FormsType As FpcFBAFormsTypes _
) As FPCUserAgentMapping


Required. String that specifies the User-Agent headers to which the mapping will apply. The string may contain wildcard characters (*). A string containing only a wildcard character (*) applies to all User-Agent headers. A string that begins and ends with a wildcard character applies to any User-Agent header that contains the substring between the wildcard characters.

Required. Value from the FpcFBAFormsTypes enumerated type that specifies the type of authentication that will be associated with the User-Agent headers specified in the mapping. The possible values specify forms-based authentication using forms written in a specific format or Basic authentication.

Return Value

This method returns a reference to an FPCUserAgentMapping object if successful. Otherwise, an error is raised that can be intercepted by using an error handler.

Example Code

This VBScript script creates a new User-Agent mapping that maps User-Agent headers to a type of authentication, which can be forms-based authentication using forms written in a specific format or Basic authentication.
Option Explicit
' Define the constants needed.
Const Error_AlreadyExists = &H800700B7
Const fpcFbaHTML4 = 0
Const fpcFbaCHTML = 1
Const fpcFbaXHTML_MP = 2
Const fpcFbaHTTPBASIC = 3
Sub Main(args)
	If(args.Count <> 2) Then
		Select Case UCase(args(1))
			Case "HTML4" 
				AddUAMapping args(0), fpcFbaHTML4 
			Case "CHTML" 
				AddUAMapping args(0), fpcFbaCHTML
			Case "XHTML" 
				AddUAMapping args(0), fpcFbaXHTML_MP
			Case "BASIC" 
				AddUAMapping args(0), fpcFbaHTTPBASIC
			Case Else
				WScript.Echo "The AuthType parameter specified is not valid."
		End Select
	End If
End Sub
Sub AddUAMapping(uaHeaders, authType)
	' Create the root object.
	Dim root  ' The FPCLib.FPC root object
	Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
	' Declare the other objects needed.
	Dim isaArray	' An FPCArray object
	Dim mappings	' An FPCUserAgentMappings collection
	Dim newMapping  ' An FPCUserAgentMapping object
	' Get references to the array object and
	' the User-Agent mappings collection.
	Set isaArray = root.GetContainingArray()
	Set mappings = isaArray.RuleElements.UserAgentMappings
	' Create a new User-Agent mapping.
	On Error Resume Next
	Set newMapping = mappings.Add(uaHeaders, authType)
	If Err.Number = Error_AlreadyExists Then
	 WScript.Echo "A mapping for the User-Agent headers specified already exists."
	End If
	On Error GoTo 0
	' Save the changes to the collection of User-Agent mappings.
	WScript.Echo "Done!"
End Sub
Sub Usage()
	WScript.Echo "Usage:" & VbCrLf _
		& "  " & WScript.ScriptName & " UAHeaders AuthType" & VbCrLf _
		& "" & VbCrLf _
		& "  UAHeaders   String that specifies User-Agent headers." & VbCrLf _ 
		& "  AuthType	HTML4   FBA with HTML 4.01 forms" & VbCrLf _
		& "			CHTML   FBA with cHTML forms" & VbCrLf _
		& "			XHTML   FBA with XHTML-MP forms" & VbCrLf _
		& "			Basic   Basic authentication"
End Sub


The new User-Agent mapping created is added to the list of User-Agent mappings in the position preceding the last User-Agent mapping. Its ordinal position the list of User-Agent mappings, which is specified by the Order property, can be modified by calling the MoveUp and MoveDown methods.


Client Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG).

Declared in Msfpccom.idl.


Requires Msfpccom.dll.

See Also


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Build date: 11/30/2009

© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.