Forefront TMG Management supports MMC-like extension snap-in. The following table lists the Forefront TMG Management snap-in nodes, their globally unique identifiers (GUIDs), and some properties of the FPCSnapinNode object for each node.
The Fpcnodesguids.h header file, which can be found in the Inc folder of the Forefront TMG SDK, defines symbolic names for the GUIDs. These symbolic names can be derived from the node names in the table by replacing each space by an underscore character (_) and adding the suffix _GUID for the symbolic name of the ANSI string-formatted GUID, or _GUIDW for the symbolic name of the wide-character string-formatted GUID.
For more information about creating MMC extension snap-ins for Forefront TMG Management, see Extending Forefront TMG Management.
Node | GUID | Property of FPCSnapinNode | ||
ParentArray | ParentPolicy | CurrentObject | ||
Root Scope | 43E06AFC-729B-49AB-8BC2-33A9E35BB12D | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Scope | A1BBE9DF-1CFB-47BE-926D-CD01AC2AAA38 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Networks Scope | 906D1867-DEFA-4054-8D79-619DF5560372 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Networks Collection | E86F00A6-7531-44CB-9F64-EE02C0BF3956 | N/A | N/A | IFPCEnterpriseNetworks |
Enterprise Network Item | A656E5C7-0B13-462A-BA2C-9596B1247C56 | N/A | N/A | IFPCEnterpriseNetwork |
Enterprise Network Rules Collection | 7C15872F-A738-4671-861A-30788C51A8B1 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Address Translation Rule Item | DF10C104-C050-4113-BDFA-6A05C56BD275 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policies Scope | CFBE7274-55BC-488C-B6A8-3D92B262733F | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policies Item | 29161CAE-635F-488E-A7EF-916CAC6E068E | N/A | N/A | IFPCPolicies |
Enterprise Policy Scope | BFFBAAE7-099C-443E-96BE-298B09CC9E25 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policy Rules before array policy | 1EC6C41F-8B56-4219-9C00-7EFB1AD012DC | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policy Rules placeholder for array rules | 132A0521-58E1-4E00-A0AB-711763EB6D01 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policy Rules after array policy | 6DFC8AF2-2B52-4F85-83C9-A65CA4B281E2 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policy Built in Rules | E34DA3DD-D10D-4136-A1D9-FC1AC6038711 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Enterprise Policy Rule representing array rules placeholder | 422CB8F3-0997-4244-BCBB-1FC3D14AAC3E | NULL | The containing enterprise policy | IFPCPolicyRule |
Enterprise Policy Rule | E960FD40-27F3-44FF-B618-386B431A61ED | NULL | The containing enterprise policy | IFPCPolicyRule |
Enterprise Policy Default Rule | 2E2CCE3C-C4AE-4923-867D-AD6AF822EDB2 | NULL | The containing enterprise policy | IFPCPolicyRule |
Enterprise AddIns Scope | 9CBCBAB6-08B3-4010-8C86-E639F94C1975 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
CEnterprise Application Filter Item | 5B555711-E6C5-4B93-981F-2835979EC110 | N/A | N/A | IFPCApplicationFilter |
Enterprise Web Filter Item | BF412308-9319-4F19-AB45-9B16F5A8333F | N/A | N/A | IFPCWebFilter |
Arrays Scope | 69E98DAF-CCD8-4DA4-8FFD-864FD2A896EA | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Array Scope | 41223021-4684-4CF4-BD24-4AD71FFC4445 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Firewall Policy Scope | CAB89263-C55E-4492-958B-C24723083320 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Policy Rules Collection System | 9ABAD875-A653-4DC1-9997-8713A9DE01AD | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSystemPolicyRules |
Policy Rules Collection Array | 904AF5AB-43A5-4D91-973F-EA36A801C2C6 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCPolicyRules |
Policy Rule Item | 9F1DBD83-12D1-408C-BD4C-6A5EFE4866D1 | The containing array | NULL | IFPCPolicyRule |
VPN Scope | EB601D5F-8909-48DB-8FA8-CCAD1BA895DD | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
VPN Site to site networks collection | BD325A51-DB15-4730-A414-E0486350DCB8 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Configuration Scope | 7A461DD2-311D-43F9-8686-E9CB4E230309 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
AddIns Scope | DF766C48-C4FF-4AB5-AD91-077DDDEA44BA | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Application Filter Item | 4A5749E9-FC71-4BD9-9E44-F7F76D0BE1B8 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCApplicationFilter |
Web Filter Item | 0828ADE3-80DD-49E1-A2B5-ECCE1174B349 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCWebFilter |
Servers Scope | 884551A0-0D13-4B07-B988-9C4E91C30F3B | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Server Item | 3A9F32A5-2BDF-4C86-BCD3-B766ED0B8EBE | The containing array | N/A | IFPCServer |
Networks Scope | 57E67A24-4EBC-4F39-B295-BB427CDB370B | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Array Networks Collection | 5782ABCD-18CD-43DC-B407-F4E739D1DABA | The containing array | N/A | IFPCNetworks |
Network Item | 42AAB0B5-19B7-4229-AE54-2B479CE985F2 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCNetwork |
Array Network Rules Collection | 34EA699F-BE78-486A-AA86-2911F8630B0F | The containing array | N/A | IFPCNetworkRules |
Address Translation Rule Item | 92C518D8-776C-4379-B725-DFC5C7C067A3 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCNetworkRule |
Web Routing Rule Item | 7E735B2B-2B2F-484E-B186-F13C8C60E8D6 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCRoutingRule |
Protocol Item | C7B10495-1501-467F-9320-BB7322855259 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCProtocolDefinition |
User Set Item | E0EB0239-C4B7-4500-A273-DCF7E708098D | The containing array | N/A | IFPCUserSet |
Content Type Item | 69050B0D-45F4-4BE0-B924-8943B8C00C6A | The containing array | N/A | IFPCContentTypeSet |
Schedule Item | 258D4A4B-F468-446C-A90A-2A0F854AE424 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSchedule |
Network Set Item | 078CE6B5-EEC0-4DA7-80F5-85DB0D5C4021 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCNetworkSet |
Computer Item | 586B984B-C983-47D6-B77A-84CC58BC40D2 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCComputer |
Address Range Item | C4D2C0A8-51BD-4E32-9CC6-18ECA6D3B66F | The containing array | N/A | IFPCAddressRange |
Subnet Item | 817559CA-6DF6-4C43-A7A4-121650F0A6A3 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSubnet |
Computer Set Item | AE2F45D2-FA44-46CD-85DF-9B5E9BA1E8C7 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCComputerSet |
URL Set Item | A2F94302-CF4D-4F3F-B2F6-3970E5D711FF | The containing array | N/A | IFPCURLSet |
Domain Name Set Item | 7271654B-5017-4BC0-A577-182767B60E67 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCDomainNameSet |
Web Listener Item | 12A7CCB5-2FAA-4BE7-B756-52626FFB7AD7 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCWebListener |
Server Farm Item | 86797C7B-CF38-4D54-AAD8-B36B37B8F39C | The containing array | N/A | FPCServerFarm |
Cache Scope | 16DCA601-E902-4655-8BCB-443B76696C01 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Cache Drive Item | A122ABEC-4808-41BF-801E-710E2205475F | The containing array | N/A | IFPCCacheDrive |
Cache Rule Item | BF5E43AA-D056-416B-98E0-CF088F3DBB2B | The containing array | N/A | IFPCCacheRule |
Scheduled Content Download Item | 4C2B4D2C-E563-42DF-A1C2-F8ACA98A70C9 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig |
General Scope | B9FE792D-76C3-4AEA-847F-BA661AC28AD1 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Compression Rule Item | 852B9298-6D5E-42EC-A52D-44728DD9EED7 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Monitoring Scope | 1FC3773B-C941-450C-BA39-224904EFD093 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Alerts Collection | 69039453-E693-4058-8271-1F126C6E27A1 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Signaled Alert Item | DBB8D29F-C42F-46EA-B822-7C0FD38E3F52 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Sessions Collection | 42D4AF87-DC29-478B-9038-7CCE0835FB8B | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Session Item specific type | 1A567C24-8038-4641-9797-686298FFEADE | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Session Item per server | 7ACD4220-8DAB-4516-963D-D61596795BDD | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Perfmon Legend | 844D2034-5C43-4BD3-9885-5ACCCB87CB2D | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Perfmon Legend Item | 254076D6-DFCE-4C40-B194-BD2033821C72 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Services Collection | 5C4E04FA-247A-4668-992A-10060D1F5BE7 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Service Item | A0F0ADBF-4A08-4F68-82FD-E2C6F3DB86D6 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Services Collection | A271438E-34C6-4EB6-AAF7-4F8FD2C74C95 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Service Item | 1F4F4D72-A437-48ED-8752-C4887636A22D | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Distribution Tab | 22FC5422-67B6-431B-86F6-A4CAADA8CB52 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Distribution status Item | C28C2823-275B-49F0-AD31-39B7555C586B | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Sessions Collection | 8427D867-2452-4B04-AFA2-B92508448553 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSessionsMonitor |
Session Item | AE05C0A9-5A8A-4369-9E43-FDBE82C79A55 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSessionsMonitorEntry |
Log Entry Item | 4F74641C-77C2-40B1-94D2-9AC8851B591E | The containing array | N/A | IFPCLogEntry |
Logging Collection | FBDEC32D-461A-4575-9784-076F3C68EFD9 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCLogContent |
Alerts Collection | B918D0BC-FD24-4456-824F-2F373DFBD919 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCAlerts |
Signaled Alert Item | 7F3AD8C8-41E3-457F-87F6-C6EC763BEBF5 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSignaledAlert |
Signaled Alert Instance Item | 3626144A-2A79-4208-A34A-22B0D4F24F61 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCSignaledAlertInstance |
Ready Reports Collection | 6B93E94B-48B0-4861-9D12-1B3798AE587D | The containing array | N/A | IFPCReadyReports |
Ready Report Tab Item | 6203AFBC-5A1B-402C-BA04-FFDF8143C3EE | The containing array | N/A | IFPCReadyReport |
Ready Report Tab Item From Report Job | E9E6DB37-4C9E-46B9-B3DF-74F7102E36EA | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Ready Report Item | B4BBEB5D-EB3A-4424-A9C8-717A240AAEFF | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Reports Collection | 2B080CE8-2F95-4A9B-9A61-EA0ED7EC43C8 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Connectivity Collection | 005897FC-4F23-4EFA-807B-EE745B9AE6DD | The containing array | N/A | IFPCConnectivityResults |
Connectivity Item | 3D2447C5-C3E8-4D9D-9F29-1B2EA7906586 | The containing array | N/A | IFPCConnectivityResult |
Connectivity Server Item | 9A5065E5-3F57-4FD6-8005-72F3BF94D557 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Connectivity Collection | 8ECCDC5F-878A-466E-B260-8F3FB7C23D86 | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
Dashboard Connectivity Item | 4709BA24-94AC-4634-8D3A-26D77B4C1AEE | N/A | N/A | E_NOINTERFACE |
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