To improve the availability and reliability of your Forefront UAG deployment, you should actively monitor system resources, the operating system, connectivity, and important Forefront UAG services. Preventive maintenance combined with disaster recovery planning and regular backups will help minimize problems if they occur. If you have System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) deployed in your organization, you can also monitor Forefront UAG by importing and using the Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) SCOM Management Pack (version 4.0.1095.0).
The following topics describe the operation tasks that you should do, as and when required:
- Monitoring users
- Monitoring endpoint
- Monitoring
- Monitoring and managing
array members
- Monitoring server
- Checking
- Checking that
authentication servers are available
- Querying events
- Backing up Forefront
- Backing up and restoring
with export and import
- Maintaining Forefront
UAG DirectAccess
- Monitoring Forefront UAG
DirectAccess clients and users in RTM
- Changing an internal IP
address on the Forefront UAG server in SP1