Where to find product information

The product documentation is designed to provide you with the information you need during each phase of product implementation, from evaluating a new product to maintaining existing ones. Depending on the product, additional documents might be available. After a product is released additional information regarding the product is entered into the online Knowledgebase available on McAfee ServicePortal.

Installation Phase

Setup Phase

Maintenance Phase

Before, during, and after installation.

Release Notes

  • Known issues in the current release.
  • Issues resolved since the last release.
  • Last-minute changes to the product or its documentation.

Installation Guide

  • Preparing for, installing and deploying software in a production environment.

Getting up-and-running with the product.

Product Guide and Online Help

  • Setting up and customizing the software for your environment.

Online Help

  • Managing and deploying products through ePolicy Orchestrator.
  • Detailed information about options in the product.

Maintaining the software.

Online Help

  • Maintaining the software.
  • Reference information.
  • All information found in the product guide.

Knowledgebase (knowledge.mcaf)

  • Release notes and documentation.
  • Supplemental product information.
  • Workarounds to known issues.

Finding release notes and documentation for McAfee enterprise products

  1. Go to knowledge.mcafee.com and select Product Documentation under Useful links.
  2. Select <Product Name> | <Product Version> and select the required document from the list of documents.

Accessing help topics from the product

To access help topics:
  • From the ePolicy Orchestrator console, click ?, then select VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i.

    For option definitions, click ? on the policy or task tab.

  • From the VirusScan Console, select Help Topics from the Help menu.
    Note: The first time you access Help after installing the product, you are asked if you want to download the Help file. Click Yes to download the Help file and install it in your installation directory.

    For option definitions, click Help on the feature properties tab.