 Change View 

Represents a Federation SignIn Response Message.
Пространство имен: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSFederation
Сборка: Microsoft.IdentityModel (в microsoft.identitymodel.dll)


Visual Basic
Dim instance As SignInResponseMessage


Visual Basic
Public Class SignInResponseMessage
		Inherits WSFederationMessage
public class SignInResponseMessage : WSFederationMessage
public ref class SignInResponseMessage : public WSFederationMessage
public class SignInResponseMessage extends WSFederationMessage
public class SignInResponseMessage extends WSFederationMessage


Code snippet of a sample web page that accepts HTTP request and creates SignInRequest message and SignInResponse message.

  Копировать код
namespace SimplePassiveSTS
	public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns whether the user is authenticated or not. 
		/// </summary>
		bool IsAuthenticatedUser
return ( ( Page.User != null ) && ( Page.User.Identity != null ) && ( Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ) );

	 /// <summary>
 /// Helper function that processes the incoming request message
 /// and creates a response message
	 /// </summary>
private SignInResponseMessage ProcessSignInRequest(SignInRequestMessage requestMessage )
			if ( requestMessage == null )
				throw new ArgumentNullException( "requestMessage" );

// Ensure that the requestMessage has the required ‘wtrealm’ 
// parameter
			if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( requestMessage.Realm ) )
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Incoming Passive Request message didn't contain the wtrealm parameter." );

// Create a SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration instance

SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration stsconfig = new SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration( "SimplePassiveSTS" );

			// Create the STS.
			SecurityTokenService sts = new MySecurityTokenService(stsconfig); 

			// Create the WS-Federation serializer to process the request and
// create the response.
// This creates the default WSFederationSerializer that handles 
// the WS-Trust Feb 2005 specification.
WSFederationSerializer federationSerializer = new WSFederationSerializer();

			// Create RST from the request
RequestSecurityToken request = federationSerializer.CreateRequest (											 requestMessage, new WSTrustSerializationContext() );

			// Get RSTR from the STS.
RequestSecurityTokenResponse response = sts.Issue(ClaimsPrincipal.Current, request );

			// Create WS-Federation Response message from the RSTR
			return new SignInResponseMessage( new Uri( response.ReplyTo ),
				federationSerializer.GetResponseAsString(response, new WSTrustSerializationContext() ) );


		/// <summary>
 /// We perform WS-Federation passive protocol logic in this method ///and call out to the appropriate request handlers. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected void Page_PreRender( object sender, EventArgs e )
			if ( IsAuthenticatedUser )
				// Use WSFederationMessage.CreateFromUri to parse the request and create a WSFederationMessage. 
				WSFederationMessage federationMessage = WSFederationMessage.CreateFromUri( Request.Url );

				if ( federationMessage.Action == WSFederationConstants.Actions.SignIn )
					// Process the sign in request. 
SignInResponseMessage responseMessage = ProcessSignInRequest(
						federationMessage as SignInRequestMessage );

// Always Echo back the Context (wctx) which came on the // request.
					responseMessage.Context = federationMessage.Context;

					// Write the response message.	 
					responseMessage.Write( Page.Response.Output );
				else if ( federationMessage.Action == WSFederationConstants.Actions.SignOut ||
						federationMessage.Action == WSFederationConstants.Actions.SignOutCleanup )
				 // Perform the clean-up operation here
					throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format(
								CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unsupported Action: {0}", federationMessage.Action ) );





This message is created when the received message wa parameter is wsignin1.0 with a wresult/wresultptr parameter.

In Beta release, when converting a RequestSecurityTokenResponse object to a SignInResponseMessage object, the context attribute on RequestSecurityTokenResponse is not transferred over, and needs to be manually set.

Иерархия наследования


Безопасность потоков

Любые открытые статические члены (Shared в Visual Basic) этого типа являются поточно-ориентированными.Любые члены экземпляров не являются гарантированно поточно-ориентированными.


Платформа разработки

Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Not tested on Windows XP

Change History

См. также