Defines the interface for a Custom Security Token Handler.
Пространство имен: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens
Сборка: Microsoft.IdentityModel (в
Visual Basic |
Public MustInherit Class SecurityTokenHandler
C# |
public abstract class SecurityTokenHandler
C++ |
public ref class SecurityTokenHandler abstract
J# |
public abstract class SecurityTokenHandler
JScript |
public abstract class SecurityTokenHandler
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using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(ClaimsAwareWebService), new Uri("http://localhost:6020/ClaimsAwareWebService")))
// Update the service credentials so that it can deserialize
// the custom token
ExtensibleServiceCredentials creds = new ExtensibleServiceCredentials();
CustomTokenHandler handler = new CustomTokenHandler();
// Add the custom token handler
creds.TokenHandlers.Add( handler );
Console.WriteLine(“Service is ready, press ENTER to close ...”);
// Class that implements a custom security token handler
// This class derives from the SecurityTokenHandler class so that
// the STS can issue a custom token.
class CustomTokenHandler : SecurityTokenHandler
public const string TokenName = "MyDecisionToken";
public const string Decision = "Decision";
public const string TokenNamespace = "http://localhost/TokenNamespace";
public const string Id = "Id";
public const string Key = "Key";
public const string DecisionClaimType = "http://localhost/DecisionClaimType";
// Define any necessary configurations
public CustomTokenHandler()
: base()
// Implement the methods needed to handle validate/create of custom tokens
/// <summary>
/// This gets called by the STS to issue a token
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tokenDescriptor">The token descriptor.</param>
/// <returns>The security token.</returns>
public override SecurityToken CreateToken( SecurityTokenDescriptor tokenDescriptor )
// Determine the claims that need to go in the token
// Create an instance of custom security token
// Custom security tokens are created by implementing a
// class that derives from the SecurityToken class exposed
// by WIF
SecurityToken token = MySecurityToken(…);
return token;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the System.Type of the SecurityToken this instance handles.
/// </summary>
public override Type TokenType
return typeof(MySecurityToken);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the URI used in requests to identify a token of the type handled
/// by this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For example, this should be the URI value used
/// in the RequestSecurityToken's TokenType element to request this
/// sort of token.
/// </remarks>
public override string TokenTypeIdentifier
return “Custom Token Type”;
/// <summary>
/// This gets called on the STS to serialize the token
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <param name="serializer"></param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">When the token is null.</exception>
public override void WriteToken( XmlWriter writer, SecurityToken token, SecurityTokenSerializer serializer )
MySecurityToken decisionToken = token as MySecurityToken;
// Check for valid instance creation for decisionToken
// Create a signature writer to serialize the token
EnvelopedSignatureWriter envWriter = new EnvelopedSignatureWriter( writer, decisionToken.SigningCredentials, decisionToken.Id, serializer );
// Start the tokenName
envWriter.WriteStartElement( TokenName, TokenNamespace );
envWriter.WriteAttributeString( Id, token.Id );
// Write the decision element
envWriter.WriteElementString( Decision, TokenNamespace, Convert.ToString( decisionToken.Decision ) );
// Write the key
envWriter.WriteElementString( Key, TokenNamespace, Convert.ToBase64String( ( (MySecurityToken)token ).RetrieveKeyBytes() ) );
// Close the TokenName element
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether this handler supports validation of tokens
/// handled by this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if the class is capable of SecurityToken
/// validation.</returns>
public override bool CanValidateToken
get { return true; }
/// <summary>
/// Validates a token and returns its claims.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="token">The security token.</param>
/// <returns>The collection of claims contained in the token.</returns>
public override ClaimsIdentityCollection ValidateToken(SecurityToken token)
// Generate the decision claim based on the decision
ClaimsIdentityCollection identities = new ClaimsIdentityCollection();
// Add necessary claims that need to be added in the
// token
return identities;
Безопасность потоков
Любые открытые статические члены
(Shared в Visual Basic) этого типа являются
поточно-ориентированными.Любые члены экземпляров не являются
гарантированно поточно-ориентированными.
Платформа разработки
Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Target Platforms
Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Not tested on Windows XP
См. также