
I configure an ERP MA that runs successfully when doing a full import operation. However, FIM reports a no-data status and no objects are returned from SAP.


This is most commonly caused by a missing alias definition in your Xml configuration file for this MA.

  • Validate that you have an alias defined for each SAP structure that you will be reading data from SAP. See the section on Alias and Alias Reference Concepts for more information.

  • Validate you have an anchor set for the object type being imported. See the section on How To Set an Anchor Attribute in a Configuration.

  • Validate you have CS attribute(s) mapped to the function/parameter(s) containing the returned data to be imported.

  • If your running a BAPI that takes a date parameter (as is the case for BAPI_EMPLOYEE_GETDATA) make sure the ERP MA date format matches that of the SAP/R3 server. See the section on How To Configure Server Settings for the ERP MA.

  • When mapping attributes to a parameter of type Table, you need to also make sure that the anchor-attribute is mapped to corresponding anchor-field in the table (The ERP ConfigTool does this for you automatically). This is because a SAP table holds multiple infotype containing data which may/may not be data for a single SAP object. This resolves any ambiguities.