This section includes the following topics:
About the Password Strength module
Accounts can be used without a password (UNIX)
Accounts without passwords (UNIX)
Add prefix (UNIX)
Add suffix (UNIX)
Double occurrences (UNIX)
Exclude shell (UNIX)
Guessed password (UNIX)
Local accounts/groups only (UNIX)
Local disks only (UNIX)
Login requires password (UNIX)
Lowercase (UNIX)
Maximum password age (UNIX)
Maximum repeated characters (UNIX)
Maximum reported messages (UNIX)
Minimum alphabetic characters (UNIX)
Minimum different characters (UNIX)
Minimum digits (UNIX)
Minimum lower case characters (UNIX)
Minimum non-alphabetic characters (UNIX)
Minimum password age (UNIX)
Minimum password history (UNIX)
Minimum special characters (UNIX)
Minimum upper case characters (UNIX)
NAMECHECK allows username=password (UNIX)
Password Requirements (UNIX)
Password = any username (UNIX)
Password = username (UNIX)
Password = wordlist word (UNIX)
Password age (UNIX)
Password age lockout (UNIX)
Password age warning (UNIX)
Password length restrictions (UNIX)
Password within GECOS field (UNIX)
Plural forms (UNIX)
Repeating Characters (UNIX)
Reverse order (UNIX)
System generated passwords (UNIX)
Trusted mode only (UNIX)
Uppercase (UNIX)
Users can choose their passwords (UNIX)
Users to check (UNIX)
Users without system password strength (UNIX)
Whitespace characters (UNIX)