Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


The IFWXSocket interface is the Firewall service socket interface. This interface does not create the socket; rather, it allows the data filter to work with data that is flowing through the socket.

The socket itself is created by using the IFWXNetworkSocket interface.

For more information on sockets and socket interfaces, see Socket Objects.

Samples that Use IFWXSocket Methods

The method IFWXSocket::Close is used in the following sample filters provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSocket::Recv is used in the following samples provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSocket::Send is used in the following samples provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSocket::SendTo is used in the following samples provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSocket::Shutdown is used in the following samples provided with ISA:

Typical Implementations

Implemented by the Firewall service.