A standalone array comprises two or more Forefront TMG servers that are connected and share the same configuration. The configuration is stored on one of the servers, which is designated as an array manager, and manages all the other servers in the array.
The following procedures describe how to create and manage a standalone array:
- Configuring an array
manager firewall policy
- Joining a server to a
standalone array
- Removing a server from a
standalone array
- Designating a new array
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For information about creating an enterprise array, see Creating an enterprise array. |
Configuring an array manager
firewall policy
This procedure describes how you configure the firewall policy on the server that you designated as the array manager, to enable all the other array members to join the array.
To configure an array manager firewall policy
On the server that you designated as the array manager, in the Forefront TMG Management console, click the Firewall Policy node.
On the Toolbox tab, click Network Objects, click Computer Sets, and then double-click Managed Server Computers.
In the Managed Server Computers Properties dialog box, click Add, select Computer, and enter the details of the server you are adding to the list. Repeat this step for all the array members you want to add to the Managed Server Computers list.
Verify that all array members are included in the firewall policy. Click the Monitoring node, then click the Configuration tab, and verify that all the array members are listed under Configuration Status.
It can take a few minutes for the Configuration Status list to update.
Joining a server to a standalone
Repeat this procedure on all the array members that you configured in the array manager’s firewall policy.
To join a standalone array
In the Forefront TMG Management console, click the server name node.
On the Tasks tab, click Join Array.
On the Join Membership Type page, click Join a standalone array managed by a designated array member (array manager).
On the Array Manager Details page, enter the IP address or FQDN of the array manager, and then click Finish.
Removing a server from a standalone
To remove a server from a standalone array
In the Forefront TMG Management console, click the server name node.
On the Tasks tab, click Disjoin Server from Array.
On the Select TMG Device page, select the array from which to disconnect, and then click Finish.
Designating a new array manager
If an array manager becomes non-functional, you can designate one of the other array members as the array manager, as described in the following procedure.
To designate a new array manager
On the server that you wish to designate as the array manager, in the Forefront TMG Management console, on the Tasks tab, click Set as Array Manager.
On each of the remaining array members, in the Forefront TMG Management console, in the Tasks tab, click Change Array Manager.
On the Change Array Manager page, enter the IP address or FQDN of the array manager, and then click Finish.
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If, after you designated a new array manager, you want to join
the server that previously served as the array manager to the
array, do the following:
Related Topics
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