Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK


The FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig object defines a single content download job contained in the FPCScheduledContentDownload collection. This collection allows you to create a list of content download jobs and access their properties.

With the Microsoft ISA Server Job Scheduler service, you can download Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) content directly to the ISA Server cache upon request or according to a schedule. Using this prefetching feature, you can update the ISA Server cache with HTTP content that you anticipate will be requested by clients in your organization, so that the content will be available for access directly from the ISA Server cache, rather than from the Internet.

A content download job can be scheduled to run only once on a specified date, to run every day, or to run on specified days of the week. A content download job that runs on more than one day can be scheduled to run once on each day or to run repeatedly on each day.

Each content download job is configured to download HTTP files from a specified URL to the ISA Server cache. A job can be configured to follow links to a specified maximum depth and to download content only from the domain of the root URL, or from other domains as well.

A content download job can run only if:

In addition, downloaded content can be stored in the ISA Server cache only if a cache drive with a size (CacheLimitInMegs) greater than zero is configured.

The FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig object is typically an element of an FPCScheduledContentDownload collection.

Click here to see the ISA Server object hierarchy.


This object inherits from the FPCPersist object, which contains methods and properties related to the persistent storage of an object's data. They include methods for exporting the object's data to and importing it from an XML document.


The FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig object defines the following methods.

Method Description
AbortOnAllServers Stops the content download job.
Run Runs the content download job.
SetDailyFrequency Sets the hour and minute parts of the start and end times for repeated runs on a single day.
SetTaskPeriod Sets the values of the TaskPeriod property (the type of schedule) and the ScheduleDays property (the days of the week on which the content download job will run) of the content download job.


The FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig object has the following properties.

Property Description
DailyFreqEndHour Gets the hour part of the end time for repeated runs on a single day.
DailyFreqEndMinute Gets the minute part of the end time for repeated runs on a single day.
DailyFreqStartHour Gets the hour part of the start time for repeated runs on a single day.
DailyFreqStartMinute Gets the minute part of the start time for repeated runs on a single day.
DailyFreqTimeUnits Gets or sets a value from the FpcTimeScale enumerated type that specifies the time units of the repetition time for repeated runs on a single day.
DailyFreqTimeValue Gets or sets the repetition time for repeated runs on a single day in the units specified by the DailyFreqTimeUnits property.
DailyFrequency Gets or sets a value from the FpcDailyFrequency enumerated type that specifies whether the download job is to run once on a single day or more than once on a single day.
DailyHour Gets or sets the hour part of the time for a one-time run on a single day.
DailyMinute Gets or sets the minute part of the time for a one-time run on a single day.
Description Gets or sets the description of the content download job.
DownloadOnceHour Gets or sets the hour part of the start time for a content download job that runs only once.
DownloadOnceMinute Gets or sets the minute part of the start time for a content download job that runs only once.
Enabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the content download job is enabled.
FetchUrlCacheContent Gets or sets a value from the FpcCacheContent enumerated type that specifies the conditions under which content will be cached.
FetchUrlFlagNoArrayRoute Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the fpcFetchNoArrayRouting (FETCH_NO_ARRAY_ROUTING) flag is set in internal calls to the FetchUrl method.
FetchUrlFlagSync Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the fpcFetchSynchronous (FETCH_SYNCHRONOUS) flag is set in internal calls to the FetchUrl method.
FetchUrlFlagTtlIfNone Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the fpcFetchTtlIfNone (FETCH_TTL_IF_NONE) flag is set in internal calls to the FetchUrl method.
FetchUrlFlagTtlOverride Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the fpcFetchTtlOverride (FETCH_TTL_OVERRIDE) flag is set in internal calls to the FetchUrl method.
MaxDepth Gets or sets the upper limit of the depth to fetch.
MaxPages Gets or sets the upper limit of the total cache object size in kilobytes.
Name Gets or sets the name of the content download job.
NumberOfConcurrentConnections Gets or sets the number of concurrent TCP connections that may be created for the content download job.
ScheduleDays Gets a bitmask of the FpcDaysOfWeek enumerated type that specifies the days of the week on which the content download job will run.
ScheduledContentDownloadJobStatuses Gets an FPCScheduledContentDownloadJobStatuses collection that contains the status of the scheduled content download job.
StartDateDay Gets or sets the day part of the date to start the content download job.
StartDateMonth Gets or sets the month part of the date to start the content download job.
StartDateYear Gets or sets the year part of the date to start the content download job.
StayInDomain Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether to download content only from the domain of the root URL, or from other domains as well.
TaskPeriod Gets a value from the FpcScheduledTaskRunningPeriod enumerated type that specifies whether the content download job is run only once, every day, or on specified days of the week.
TTL Gets or sets the Time to Live (TTL), in minutes, of the pages to be downloaded.
URL Gets or sets the URL to be downloaded.

Methods Inherited from FPCPersist

Name Description
CancelWaitForChanges Cancels the registration established by the WaitForChanges method (for use in C and C++ programming only).
CanImport Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the object's properties can be imported from the specified XML document.
Export Recursively writes the stored values of all the properties of the object and its subobjects to the specified XML document.
ExportToFile Recursively writes the stored values of all the properties of the object and its subobjects to the specified XML file.
GetServiceRestartMask Retrieves a 32-bit bitmask of the FpcServices enumerated type that specifies which services need to be restarted for currently unsaved changes to take effect.
Import Recursively copies the values of all the properties of the object and of its subobjects from the specified XML document to persistent storage.
ImportFromFile Recursively copies the values of all the properties of the object and of its subobjects from the specified XML file to persistent storage.
LoadDocProperties Provides the XML document's properties so that you can know what information can be imported from the document.
Refresh Recursively reads the values of all the properties of the object and of its subobjects from persistent storage, overwriting any changes that have not been saved.
Save Recursively writes the current values of all the properties of the object and its subobjects to persistent storage.
WaitForChanges Registers to wait for an event indicating that the contents of the object have changed (for use in C and C++ programming only).

Properties Inherited from FPCPersist

Name Description
PersistentName Gets the persistent name of the object. The persistent name of an object is a name that is unique for the object at the respective level of the COM object hierarchy.
VendorParametersSets Gets an FPCVendorParametersSets collection that can hold sets of custom data for extending the object.


This object implements the IFPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig interface.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also

COM Objects