
FTP client setup

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To set up ftp client through proxy server, it is necessary to specify proxy settings in connection properties and select passive mode. In UserGate, FTP-proxy mode must be activated (Services on the setup menu, Proxy Settings - FTP proxy).


CuteFTP setup is available in the Global Settings in the Tools menu. Alternatively, start Global Settings by pressing Alt+F7. In the Global Settings window select the Connection group. Further setup can be done either through Socks 4&5, or Proxy ( illustration).

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FTP Explorer

FTP Explorer setup is similar to CuteFTP setup. Select on the main menu: View - Options - Firewall, enable 'Use PASV Mode' and 'Use Firewall'. In the 'Host' field specify the IP address of internal network interface of the computer with UserGate, port - 21. Then create a new FTP connection. In the 'Host Address' field specify FTP address of the server to which you want to connect, and check 'Use Firewall', port - 21 ( illustration).

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Total Commander

Create a new connection (Net - FTP New Connection or press Ctrl+N). In the window press 'Change', in the 'Host name' field specify the IP address of the computer with UserGate. In the 'Connect method' options group it is possible to select, for example, 'HTTP Connect' option. Press OK, then specify FTP address of the server, enable 'anonymous connection' and 'Use firewall (proxy server)' ( illustration).

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For FTP client setup press F9. Then on the main menu go to 'Options' and select the 'FTP client' section. In the menu that appears, in the 'Firewall:Port' field specify the internal network interface of the computer with UserGate and port number 21. Then activate 'Passive mode' and create a new FTP connection (standard shortcut combinations: Alt+F1 - FTP, Shift+F4). In the settings specify the ftp address and enable 'Using firewall' mode ( illustration).

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